Fitz is the 24/7 health coach that texts you

Fitz is the24/7 health coach that texts you.

Fitz is the 24/7 health coach that texts you.

Custom workouts 💪, personalized nutrition 🥗, accountability check-ins ✅, calorie/macro tracker with pictures 📷, 24/7 availability ⏰

Custom workouts 💪, personalized nutrition 🥗, accountability check-ins ✅, calorie/macro tracker with pictures 📷, 24/7 availability ⏰

Join 5000+

happy users

No downloads. No credit card required.

No information shared.

Get started 💪

Join 5000+

happy users

No downloads. No credit card required. No information shared.

Meet Fitz - the personal trainer you text with

Meet Fitz - the personal trainer you text with

Meet Fitz - the personal trainer you text with

No app. No calls. No difficult personalities. Just results.

No app. No calls. No difficult personalities. Just results.

No app. No calls. No difficult personalities. Just results.

Personalized fitness + nutrition plans

Custom plans for your goals and schedule

Daily check-ins + accountability

Fitz makes sure you're on track and reminds you when you aren't

As easy as texting with your friend

With all the knowledge of the world's top personal trainers and nutritionists


What is Fitz?

How long does the free trial last?

How does Fitz know about me?

How do I know if it's any good?

What is Fitz?

How long does the free trial last?

How does Fitz know about me?

How do I know if it's any good?

What is Fitz?

How long does the free trial last?

How does Fitz know about me?

How do I know if it's any good?

7-day free trial then:



24/7 availability

Personalized fitness +

nutrition plans

Daily Accountability +


Cancel anytime

No credit card required.

Get Started for Free!

Why we built this

I'm Logan, former college athlete and creator of Fitz.

I struggled for years to stay consistent with a fitness routine after my playing days were over.

I tried all the apps, fitness influencer programs and group classes.

Nothing worked.

Looking back, I realized there were only two times I actually stuck to a plan:

1. When I had a personal trainer text me my workout every morning

2. When I was doing a challenge with my buddy and we were holding each other accountable

So, I decided to build this for myself with the power of AI.

And it worked!

I get a text every morning with my workout along with check-ins throughout the day.

I even send the meals I'm eating and macros are automatically calculated for me.

I was sticking to a plan again and making progress.

So, I decided to make it open to the world to see if others would find it useful.

It's the simplest fitness product on the market. And it actually works.

Got Fitness Goals?

Your personalized, 24/7 personal trainer and accountability coach is just a text away.

Your personalized, 24/7 personal trainer and accountability coach is just a text away.

Your personalized, 24/7 personal trainer and accountability coach is just a text away.

Get Started for Free!

No credit card required. We'll never share your number.